
A Brand's Tone of Voice refers to the personality and style of a brand's communication and is a crucial element of a brand's overall identity. It's how a brand speaks to its audience through marketing materials, advertisements, customer service interactions, and other communications. Like "brand voice," a brand's tone of voice should be consistent across all platforms and touchpoints to help create a strong brand image and reinforce brand messaging. 

A brand's tone of voice can significantly impact how customers perceive the brand and help establish an emotional connection with them. The tone of voice can convey different emotions, such as humor, warmth, friendliness, professionalism, or confidence.

As a prominent brand expert and author, Marty Neumeier noted, "Tone of voice is the soul of the brand's communication." By capturing the essence of the brand's personality and values, a strong tone of voice can help to build an emotional connection with customers and drive brand loyalty.

Developing a brand's tone of voice is essential to brand strategy. Several factors can shape it, including the target audience, brand values, and overall brand personality. A brand's tone of voice should be consistent across all communications and align with its brand personality and messaging.

It's important to note that a brand's tone of voice is not just about the words used but also about the language's style, tone, and rhythm. It includes elements such as punctuation, sentence structure, and the use of humor or sarcasm.

In short, a brand's tone of voice is critical to its overall brand identity and can significantly impact how customers perceive the brand. Therefore, brands must develop and maintain a consistent tone of voice that aligns with their brand personality and values and effectively conveys the desired emotion to their target audience.