
A logo is an integral part of a brand's visual identity, and it's the face of the brand that represents it to the world. A well-designed logo can communicate a brand's personality, values, and promises to its customers.

According to Scher (1998), a logo is not just a mark but an identity and an enduring symbol of a brand's promise. It represents the brand's promise to deliver a consistent level of quality, reliability, and value to its customers. Therefore, a logo is a crucial element in establishing brand recognition and differentiation, as well as creating a visual connection between the brand and its target audience.

When designing a logo, it's essential to consider the intended purpose and target audience, as well as the brand's values, personality, and positioning. A logo should be simple, memorable, and easily recognizable, making it easy for customers to identify and connect with the brand.

To summarize, a brand logo is a significant element of a brand's visual identity that plays a crucial role in establishing brand recognition and differentiation. A well-designed logo should accurately represent the brand's promise, values, and personality, making it a powerful tool for connecting with the target audience and building brand loyalty.