
A brand theme is a central idea or message a brand wants to communicate to its audience. It represents the brand's values, personality, and purpose. A brand theme is not just a visual or aesthetic aspect but an essential component of a brand's identity.

A strong brand theme can help a brand to stand out from its competitors and make a lasting impression on its customers. It can also create a sense of unity and consistency across all touchpoints, from product packaging to advertising campaigns.

The history of brand themes dates back to the early days of advertising when companies would use catchy slogans, jingles, and mascots to promote their products. In the 1960s and 1970s, the concept of brand themes became more sophisticated as companies began to develop more comprehensive brand identities that included visual elements, such as logos and color schemes, as well as messaging that aligned with the company's values and mission. Today, brand themes play a crucial role in companies' marketing efforts, helping to differentiate their products and services from their competitors and creating an emotional connection with consumers.

A brand theme is a critical aspect of brand strategy, as it helps communicate its unique value proposition and connect with customers. "A brand is a story that's always being told. A brand theme is an underlying story that sets the tone and creates a foundation for all of a company's communications and interactions with customers." (Kapferer, 2012) According to Kapferer, a brand theme is central to creating and communicating a brand's story. It is the foundation on which the brand's identity is built and helps to create a consistent brand experience for customers.

In a nutshell, a brand theme is an essential aspect of a brand's identity and strategy. It helps to communicate the brand's values, personality, and purpose and create a consistent brand experience for customers. By having a strong brand theme, a brand can stand out from its competitors and make a lasting impression on its customers.