
Brand salience refers to the degree to which a brand comes to mind when a consumer is faced with a choice in a particular category. It is the extent to which a brand is top-of-mind or readily available in a consumer's memory when they consider purchasing a given category. A brand with high salience is often the first or one of the first brands that come to mind when a consumer considers options in a specific product category.

In marketing, brand salience is a key determinant of brand preference and choice. A brand with high salience has a greater chance of being selected by consumers when they are faced with a choice of products in a category. Brands with high salience are often well-known, have strong brand equity, and are easily recognizable. It is because consumers are more likely to consider a brand if it is easily remembered or top-of-mind.

One of the most influential works on the topic of brand salience is "The Hierarchy of Effects in Advertising" by J.C. Leigh and Morris Holbrook, which was published in 1982. According to Leigh and Holbrook, brand salience is the first stage in building brand awareness and preference, as it represents the first step in capturing consumers' attention.

"The brand salience is the foundation of brand awareness and the starting point for creating brand preference." - J.C. Leigh and Morris Holbrook, "The Hierarchy of Effects in Advertising" (1982)

In modern marketing, brand salience is often measured through techniques such as top-of-mind awareness or spontaneous recall. These measures can provide valuable insights into the strength of a brand's presence in the minds of consumers, as well as its potential for attracting new customers. Therefore, effective brand management strategies often focus on increasing brand salience through initiatives such as consistent advertising and effective use of brand symbols and logos.

Factors that contribute to brand salience include brand recognition, advertising, and frequency of brand exposure. For instance, frequent exposure to advertising or promotion can help increase brand salience by keeping a brand top-of-mind. In addition, brands that are well-established or have been around for a long time also tend to have high brand salience because they have built up a strong reputation over time.

To bring it all together, brand salience is a critical component of brand equity and plays an important role in consumer decision-making. Brands with high salience are more likely to be selected by consumers, making brand salience a valuable aspect of a brand's overall success. Therefore, understanding and leveraging the power of brand salience is key to effective brand management and can help drive sales and increase brand loyalty.