Knowledge Base and SupportGet access to a wealth of branding knowledge and support with our Knowledge Base, including a Brand Encyclopedia and a Blog with articles on Brand and Branding.

Popular Articles

Brandergate Account Management

This section will provide information about creating and managing your account, subscriptions, and other important settings, such as User Info, emails, notifications, and others.

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ABI Projects

Creating a project with Brandergate's ABI platform is a simple and straightforward process. The platform offers a step-by-step wizard that guides users through seven steps to help them define and develop their Brand Analytics or entire Brand Platform.

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Overview of Brandergate's ABI Products

This section of our support page will provide an overview of the different ABI products offered by Brandergate. These products include the ABI Analyst, ABI Brander, and ABI Agency.

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Brandergate's Research Methodology

Brandergate's research methodology is focused on analyzing and developing the core components of a brand's platform: values, Personality, and identity. By using cutting-edge AI models and advanced natural language processing techniques, we can provide brands with a comprehensive understanding of their brand platform, enabling them to make informed decisions and drive growth.

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4D Brand Personality Framework

4D Brand Personality Framework is a proprietary framework developed by Brandergate based on in-depth research and studies of the most prominent academics and practitioners of the Branding Industry of the past 50 years. It consists of four dimensions: Sincerity, Competence, Excitement, and Spectrum.

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Why Helvetica?

Why did we at Brandergate choose to dance with the devil and embrace Helvetica as our leading typeface? Well, sit back, relax, and let us regale you with our Helvetica love story, full of twists, turns, and a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor.

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Support Topics


The topic provides an introduction to the system and includes articles on account management. These articles help users understand the basics of the platform and how to manage their accounts effectively.

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Products and Subscriptions

Topic provides an overview of Brandergate's ABI products, their features and benefits. This topic is essential for understanding the products offered by Brandergate and making informed purchasing decisions.

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Research by Brandergate

The topic provides an in-depth look into the research methodologies and tools used to analyze brands' values and personalities, including 3DBV and 4DBP frameworks and color and typography AI models.

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Using the Tools

The topic provides in-depth information on using various tools and covers the process of analyzing data, creating consumer groups, and making informed decisions based on the insights gained from the tools.

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The topic provides answers to common questions about Brandergate's products, including general inquiries, product-specific questions, and technical questions. Get quick answers to help with your product experience.

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Contact Us

The topic includes information on how to get in touch with the Brandergate support team, including their contact information and support options.

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