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Competitor Intelligence Tool

The Competitor Intelligence tool is a key component of the ABI Analyst platform that helps you stay ahead of the competition in your Industry. This tool allows you to identify specific competitors, view their brand platforms, and create lists to understand the competition in your Industry better.

With the Competitor Intelligence tool, you can search for competitors by entering their brand names and website address. Once the system finds a match, you will be asked if you want to add it to your competitor list. In the starter version of ABI Analyst, you can search and add up to 10 brands to your competitor list, while in the pro version, you have unlimited access.

By using this tool, you can gain a deeper understanding of the competition in your Industry and stay up-to-date on the latest developments and trends. Whether you're a startup or an established business, the Competitor Intelligence tool is a valuable resource for monitoring and analyzing the competition in your Industry.