
Competitor Analysis Tool

The Competitor Analysis tool is an essential component of the ABI Analyst platform that enables you to stay ahead of the competition in your Industry. This tool provides you with valuable insights into the size of the market and the number of competitors based on sales range and employee range. Additionally, you can identify specific competitors, view their brand platforms, and create competitor lists to understand the competition better.

With the Competitor Analysis tool, you can get a clear understanding of the competitive landscape in your Industry and make more informed decisions to stay one step ahead of the competition. The tool provides you with two main data points: sales range and number of employees.

Sales Range: This feature gives you a comprehensive understanding of the size of the market and the number of competitors based on their sales range. With this information, you can assess the size of your target market and the number of potential competitors you may face.

Number of Employees: The number of employees in a company can be a key indicator of its size and competitiveness. With the Competitor Analysis tool, you can find out the number of companies in your Industry based on employee range and get a better understanding of your competitive landscape.

By using the Competitor Analysis tool, you can gain valuable insights into your competition, making it easier for you to develop effective strategies for growth and success.